Friday, March 2, 2007

Re-defining lies in own terms.

As fiction in a complete lunar eclipse.
Moon over Cairo.
Tonight the moon is full ecplipse.
or Lunar Eclipse .
I-Eye do like the image of the hidden upstairs wize man watching from a hole, seated behind the moon. Here is what it looked like last week and, here is what happened few minutes ago.

Culture instead of espionage.
Peace instead of war.

It took me TIME to realize that it can also be:
Espionage instead of culture and (may be) war instead of peace.
(may be ... of course ... massalan)

Who knows !!!

It seems that Lunar and Solar Eclipses got Significance in Islam.
In her blog Elaine Meinel Supkis knots threads between numerology and astrology, falls in politics and of course trips to egypt. A mixture that charms and of course swims into death and mortality.

Putting the issue into practice.
I travelled from Cairo to Alexandria.
Date: 03/04/2007.
Train number: 909.
Caoch number: 5.
Seat number: 55.
I had a coffee and a piece of cake: 5.50 LE